Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lives of Family members are interconnected

Hi Everybody-

This week's class discussion was on how the lives of family members are interconnected, which can make it functional or dysfunctional.  The family is made up of individuals with their own characteristics and qualities, and each individual plays a 'role' in the family unit.  The individuals and the family unit as a whole are influenced by their culture, religion, ethnicity, schools, social class, environment, and their relationships with each other.

In our discussions, we identified 3 types of families.  First, there is the "Open Family" which is basically democratic and protects the rights of the individuals, is flexible, interactive with those outside the family, and is bound by love and respect.  The 2nd is called the "Random Family" where there are almost no boundaries, few behavioral rules or commitment, and the children sense a lack of love.  The 3rd type is called the "Closed Family" where the members are too involved in each others lives, individuality is lost, and there's limited exposure to media & external influences.

Family rules, very often, determine the way people will pattern their behavior.  So in dysfunctional families, they will follow dysfunctional rules.  In my birth family, there were plenty of spoken and unspoken rules.  You knew where you stood as far as your 'role' in the family and there were definite consequences for not following a rule.  It seemed pretty strict, but we were loved and respected.  So, I'd say my birth family was an "Open Family".

What about you?  What type of family did you come from?  What were some things you liked or didn't like about your family's rules and your role in the family.

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