Why do people divorce when 70% of those who do, within 2 years after, feel like they could have and should have saved the marriage?
One judge, our instructor told us, stated that many young couples that come in for a divorce say that part of their reasoning is that "it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be". Really? No work, all play and sex? Hmm... Can we say virtual world?
In the real world marriage takes commitment, compromise, love, respect, devotion, boundaries, selflessness, sacrifice and a job that makes money. Divorce isn't a problem with communication, it's a problem with your heart. You need to change your perspective and think more about what you can give in the relationship rather than what you can get out of or how you can benefit from the relationship.
Some quick advice: Men-Your wife is NOT your mother! Don't expect her to do everything your mother did when you were a kid. She is your help meet, not your servant. Work together and think of how your wife feels. Make her your queen. Do everything in your power to make her happy!
Women-Did you marry someone to make the money that you now get to spend as you will? Be frugal, be thoughtful of the hard work that it took to provide that money. Do special random acts of kindness to let your husband know that he is thought of and appreciated. Make him your king. Do everything in your power to make him happy!
That's it. Just read some of my past blogs on communication, problem solving, infidelity and such. If all else fails, seek counseling for yourself and/or as a couple and see if you can't make your marriage work...instead of looking back in a few years and saying "I wish I would have tried harder to save my marriage".
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