"In His grand design, when God first created man, He created duality of the sexes. The ennobling expression of that duality is found in marriage. One individual is complementary to the other. As Paul stated, 'Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord' (1 Corinthians 11:11). There is no other arrangement that meets the divine purposes of the Almighty. Man and woman are His creations. Their duality is His design. Their complementary relationships and functions are fundamental to His purposes. One is incomplete without the other."
- President Gordon B. Hinckley
This week, we were exploring gender roles in the world and in our families. We discussed what would have changed in our roles, expectations and family dynamics if we were born the opposite gender. Think about it...would you be closer or more distant with a sibling or parent, would you have different responsibilities if you were of the opposite gender? Hmmm
We also read some research about same-sex attraction. Homosexuality was once considered a mental illness and is now considered "healthy" and those who disagree with this are labeled mentally ill or "homophobic". Did you know there is more research money spent on homophobia than on homosexuality?
Mr. LeVay is the man who did the research study of the brains of homosexual and heterosexuals. Mr. LeVay reported his findings and that is when the media, and now the world, ran away with a theory that homosexuals were "born that way". Mr. LaVey noted that "people who think that gays and lesbians are 'born that way' are also the most likely to support gay rights."
After Mr. LeVay's study went viral with misinformation and misrepresentation of his findings, Mr. LeVay quietly (not to the media) made the following written statement. "It's important to stress what I didn't find,..." " I did not prove that homosexuality is genetic, or find genetic causes for being gay. I didn't show that gay men were 'born that way', the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain_INAH3 is less likely to be the sole gay nucleus of the brain than part of a chain of nuclei engaged in men and women's sexual behavior..." "...Since I looked at adult brains, we don't know if the differences I found were there at birth or they appeared later."
Why are we lied to and misled with this false information? Lesbian psychologist, Lisa Diamond says, "It may well be that for now, the safest way to keep propagating a deterministic model: sexual minorities are born that way and can never be otherwise."
We watched this extremely informative video, "Understanding Same-Sex Attraction", which discusses the causes or origins, as well as treatment and therapeutic ways to overcoming homosexuality. These are men who have unwanted same-sex attraction and sought help to change. Watch this and it too may change your view of same-sex attraction.
Did you know...that the U.N. states that therapy for homosexuals is a violation of human rights? So, politically they are saying that there is only one correct view to have without paying a high academic or professional price.
Activists are upset when people talk about homosexuals being able to change, if they so choose, as takes away from their agenda and stance.
People should have a right to know there is an alternative, that there is a way out, if they want that help. Gay Rights Activists are fighting for 'rights', but in turn are denying those that want to choose change a right to therapy.
Well, I had my eyes opened, again, by looking more closely at the whole picture, research, etc. and not taking what 'I've heard' from others and the media as my sole source of information. Truth is truth...but why does it seem that some want to hide or misconstrue it? KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! (Oh, that's what 'they' are afraid of, isn't it? Ah, ha!)
1 comment:
This is the best! I love how much personality you put into your blog, its meaningful and helpful.
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